Call for Paper: Jahrestagung Sozialwissenschaftliche Drogenforschung

Call for Paper: European Society for Social Drug Research

The 31st Annual Conference of the ESSD will focus on a variety of themes including drug related implications of COVID-19, new trends in drug use and digitisation of drug markets. Additionally, there will be presentations on theories and concepts for drug policy. Lastly, methods in drug research and ethical challenges in drug research will be discussed. Presentations should preferably include a European dimension, and/or theoretical analysis that draws inferences from the local to the global. Call for Papers (Deadline: June 30, 2020) | Further information

Participants are welcome to present papers or to attend only.

Presentations should preferably include a European dimension (such as reporting on research or issues from more than one European country, comparisons between data from European studies), and/or theoretical analysis that draws inferences from the local to the global. Presentations restricted to the description of interventions or (local) policies will not be accepted. Qualitative studies are particularly welcome.

The accepted abstracts need to conform to one or more of the following themes:


Drug market dynamics in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic ● Implications for different groups of users ● Drug research methodologies in the COVID-19 era ● Changes in patterns of drug use due to the COVID-19 pandemic ● Drug services challenges due to COVID-19


Preferably qualitative research on new trends in use and users (incl. transnational dimension, not only prevalence rates) ● Social norms and context surrounding legal drugs and how these might be relevant to illegal drugs ● The illegal use of legal drugs ● Poly-drug use ● NPS use ● Performance-enhancing drugs ● Patterns of use and using careers among diverse population groups


Organisation, maintenance and structure of drug markets: demand and supply ● Online drug distribution and cultures on illicit drug markets ● Impacts of supply control and law enforcement measures ● Governance by and of online drug markets ● Coordination practices in digital drug markets ● Development and comparison of drug prices online/offline ● Role of digital technologies in influencing drug trends and drug policies ● Traditional drug markets in the digitalised era


Innovative theories or concepts for drug policy ● Evaluation of drug policy approaches ● Comparative drug policy analysis ● Legislative/policy changes affecting availability and/or use ● Critical reflections on drug demand and supply, interventions, and stigmatisation of users ● Innovative or controversial interventions in drug policy


Innovative and mixed methods ● Reflexivity in drug research ● Sampling, representativeness and bias ● Non-representational methods in drug research ● Online vs. offline methods ● Researching vulnerable populations ● Ethical challenges in drug research


Der gesamte Call ist hier als PDF-Datei verfügbar.


Tagung 20. und 21. September 2024

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Center for interdisciplinary Crime Studies (CiCS)

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